As an organisation that is passionate about children’s cultural and educational experiences, the ACTF greatly values student work experience programs. Introducing teens to the world of work – often for the first time – is a privilege, and we always aim to make this experience meaningful and inspiring.
The ACTF mentored five passionate young people throughout their work experience placements this year, introducing them to the varied roles in our unique non-for-profit organisation. During their one-week placements, Jordan, Alannah, Charlie, Alex and Joel worked with our different teams to learn about media production, policy, international sales, education, communications, legal matters, finance, digital assets management, and administration.
As one of their assigned tasks, we asked these upper secondary students to reflect on their time here and to share their new understandings and interests with staff through a presentation. Below, we share some of their unique perspectives on the value of work experience for young people:
Work Experience is so important for teenagers who are trying to find out who and what they want to be. I have learnt a lot of life lessons from working here. The respect everyone showed for each other at the ACTF and the teamwork is something I will definitely take back to my school, and remember when I begin working in the future.
Jordan, St Leonards College, Brighton Campus
While being here I learnt that in just one office there can be so many different jobs, and that they all have to work together to get the end product. I feel that my self-confidence has risen and also my independence, because I’ve been able to get lunch and make tea on my own. It is nice be to improving my skills in a whole new environment I’ve never really explored, and seeing how hard everyone works inspires me to work hard to get into a career I enjoy.
Alannah, Strathmore Secondary College
I had the privilege of working on the image project, and helping to document over 30 years of ACTF history. I was focussed on the show Noah and Saskia and my job was to sort through all of the slides and photos relating to the 13 episodes, and finding the best photos to be sent off to be digitised. The process can be long, but it is rewarding. I was shown some beautiful stills from a couple of earlier ACTF Films which were taken by 3 photographers who are famous for their work in their respective fields.
Charlie, Kingswood College (Read more from Charlie here.)
When I began my placement, I was interested in production and filmmaking. Learning more about it makes me want to investigate it further. Finding out about the role of financing has also sparked a new interest for me to learn about financing for a company. This experience has also increased my independence. By working in structured business hours and having to take public transport each morning and afternoon, I feel more confident in myself and what I can achieve in the future.
Alex, Emmaus College
During work experience, I learnt about the different types of jobs at the ACTF and how they interact and compliment each other. I also learnt about the role of education in children’s media, and the whole process of a television show – from an idea to a script to production. Catching public transport to work and buying my own lunch helped me to feel more independent.
Joel, Parade College, Bundoora Campus
The ACTF has a limited number of work experience placements remaining for 2019. Student applications can be sent to: